Terence Ching, MS
Continuing Insights From An MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy Training Trial
Terence Ching obtained his M.Soc.Sci in Psychology from the National University of Singapore, as well as his M.S. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Connecticut. He is currently an advanced student in the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Connecticut, having provided clinical services at their Psychological Services Clinic in the Department of Psychological Sciences. Terence is also currently a practicum student therapist at the Anxiety Disorders Center/Center for Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy at the Institute of Living in Hartford, CT, as well as the Behavioral Wellness Clinic/New England OCD Institute in Tolland CT, where he specializes in treating anxiety- and trauma-related conditions via evidence-based approaches. Terence has also assumed a sub-investigator/co-therapist role in a prior trial of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD, in which he infused the research process with culturally informed recruitment and assessment procedures.
Terence believes in the importance of scientific research informing clinical practice, and vice versa, and has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters at the intersections of: (1) obsessive-compulsive disorder; (2) anxiety disorders; (3) stress, trauma, and posttraumatic stress disorder; (4) culture and cultural diversity; and (5) psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Terence is currently working on his doctoral dissertation on a mixed-methods study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD, with an additional emphasis on uncovering novel mechanisms of therapeutic change in a participant of color via qualitative analysis.